Don’t Give an Inch


Don’t Give an Inch

Comments on Galatians with an ear to Luther’s commentary

Scripture Text: Galatians 2:4-5 and Galatians 5:1-6

Series: Comments on Galatians

Today's Scripture Jigsaw

There will always be those churches (if we may call them such) who tell you that you must do “this or that” in order to be saved. “This or that” is when some thing is added to faith. But no thing must be added to faith. Otherwise it would not be God’s grace that saves you. Otherwise it would not be God who saves you. It would be your efforts that save you. It would be you who saves you. When “this or that” is added to faith, you erect yourself as god, and Christ Jesus is cast aside.

Think for a moment. You understand that your efforts cannot save you. Your efforts must come after your salvation — in thankful response to your salvation. But your good works do not save you or make your salvation secure. Neither does your failure to effect good works condemn you. Only God may condemn you. But see! He has set you free through his Son’s efforts on your behalf.

Do not give an inch to these so-called Christians. Do not let them lure you back into the bondage of a guilty conscience. That is surely where you will go when you unsuccessfully try to save yourself through good works.

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