

The purpose of Christian Education Committee is to encourage the use of teaching and worship materials, and introduce the church's periodicals and books of family devotion into the homes of the congregation. One of the primary aims of Christian Education Committee is encouraging youth and young adults of the congregation to pursue a calling to ordained ministry and to other full-time church vocations.

It shall also be responsible for Sunday School, Confirmation, Vacation Bible School, and the encouragement of family, small group, and congregation-wide Bible Studies focused on discipleship and Lutheran faith. Such Bible studies could include the following topics: Faith formation, Lutheran theology, apologetics, prayer, finances, parenting, aging, marriage  enrichment, and other subjects of special interest in our congregation. 

Christian Education Events 

Sunday School – Our Sunday School classes study the Word of God each Sunday with most classes following the SEED curriculum provided by Sola Publishing. 

Children and youth classes are Pre-K, K–2, 3–5, Middle School, and High School. 

There are four adult classes covering all age groups. 

Breakfast is served before Sunday School on the first Sunday each month by Alison Moore, Gina Barringer, and their helpers. 

An Easter Egg Hunt is provided each year, typically on the Saturday before Easter. 

Word in Season devotional booklets are provided at the main entrances. 

2024 VBS dates set for June 23–25 for 2024. This year's theme is The Adventures of Paul, focusing on the biblical story of the life of the Apostle Paul, with lessons from the Book of Acts. Here Scripture tells the story of serious man named Saul, who worked to silence Christianity — until the risen Jesus appeared to him on the road to Damascus and changed his life. With his new name, Paul, this one who had persecuted the Church, went on to become one of the greatest apostles. 

Rally Day is the last Sunday in August. 

A Christmas play or pageant or other Christmas program is performed each year. 

Christmas Treat Bags are provided by George Barringer's Sunday School class.