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Walking through Holy Week

Readings from and comments on the Daily Lectionary

Scripture Text: Acts 17:11

Videos featuring readings from and comments on the Daily Lectionary will be posted daily, Sunday, March 24 – Saturday, March 30, 2024.


A Mystery

Reading the Word with Luther

Series: Reading the Word with Luther
Scripture Text: Luke 8:9–10

Don't you love a good mystery, one told well and ends well? That is what Jesus came to proclaim, a mystery for the ages revealed for you.


We Are the Lord’s

Reading the Word with Luther

Scripture Text: Romans 14:8–9

We may go about living our lives with good, Christian courage, knowing that we belong to the Lord. He has prepared us for both life and death.


A Just Reward

Reading the Word with Luther

Scripture Text: 2 Thessalonians 1:2–4

God will repay the wicked for their persecution of Christians, and he will reward Christians, though not for the reasons many think.


The Faith of Shepherds

Reading the Word with Luther

Scripture Text: Luke 2:15–20

Do we believe the Word of God because of the revelation or because of its messenger, because it is God's Word or because of the preacher?


Our Need of the Gospel

Reading the Word with Luther

Scripture Text: Luke 2:8–14

We are not so pious as we imagine ourselves to be. Take care of your self-regard and pious pride, for the gospel grows in the pasture of confession.


Grace Working in Nature

Reading the Word with Luther

Scripture Text: Luke 2:1–7

Jesus took on our nature so that, through faith in him, we may be given his nature, and be made right to be with him in eternity.


For You

Reading the Word with Luther

Scripture Text: Luke 2:7–11

The great joy of this day is that your Father has given the gift of his Son, along with the gifts of his Spirit and eternal life ... to you. His gift is for you.



Reading the Word with Luther

Scripture Text: John 1:29–34

Jesus is the only one who can remove your sins, and make you right with the Father. Behold, the Lamb of God who has taken away the sin of the world.


The Last Message

Reading the Word with Luther

Scripture Text: John 1:19–23

Our lives, like John the Baptist's life and ministry, should direct our family, friends, and neighbors to Christ and his gospel.


The Word-angel

Reading the Word with Luther

Scripture Text: Matthew 11:7–10

God's Word-angel made manifest the sin and religion that would hinder the coming grace of his Christ, the Messiah, the long-awaited one.


Believe and Rejoice

Reading the Word with Luther

Scripture Text: Philippians 4:4–7

Until the heart believes in God, it is not possible to rejoice in him. But for the believer, both rejoicing and peace are possible.


Armor of Light

Reading the Word with Luther

Scripture Text: Romans 13:11–14

It is not enough to put off the works of darkness; one must put on the armor of light. Without the light of faith, even works we think good are not.



Daily Devotionals

Scripture Text: Psalm 119:105

The following are links to three different daily devotionals: Comments on Galatians – Comments on Galatians with an ear to Luther’s commentary Reading the Word with Luther – Scripture and a reading from Luther's sermons and devotional writings Lessons in the Lutheran Confessions – Scripture related to a short reading from the Book of Concord, with commentary pulling the two together Coming in 2022: Reading the Bible in a Year


A New Thing

Comments on Galatians with an ear to Luther’s commentary

Series: Comments on Galatians
Scripture Text: Galatians 1:15-17 and Acts 10:9-43

God accepts all peoples, all nationalities, all cultures, all races, women and men, old and young, so long as they fear him and do what is right.


Standing Alone

Comments on Galatians with an ear to Luther’s commentary

Series: Comments on Galatians
Scripture Text: Galatians 1:6-9 and Hebrews 4:12-13

Don't trust your subjective feelings. The true and objective way to know God's will and ways is by hearing and reading the Sacred Scriptures.


Right Devotion

Comments on Galatians with an ear to Luther’s commentary

Series: Comments on Galatians
Scripture Text: Galatians 1:6 and Acts 2:42-47

Paul and Luther deplored the fact that the happy condition of the church, secured by years of arduous labors, some lunatic might spoil in a moment.


Life is Slippery

Comments on Galatians with an ear to Luther’s commentary

Series: Comments on Galatians
Scripture Text: Galatians 1:6 and 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Imitators of God forgive others, even when they sin against them. They give the weak a hand up when they fail and fall.


The “Follow Me”

Comments on Galatians with an ear to Luther’s commentary

Series: Comments on Galatians
Scripture Text: Galatians 1:1-5 and John 14:5-7

One becomes rightly related to God by becoming a friend of Jesus. So, when he speaks the “follow me” to your heart ... follow.


Captive to Goodness

Comments on Galatians with an ear to Luther’s commentary

Series: Comments on Galatians
Scripture Text: Galatians 1:1-5 and Psalm 53:1-3

There is no one who does good—no, not one. All have fallen short of the glory of God, and their own "goodness" will in no way make up the deficit.


Faith to Comprehend

Comments on Galatians with an ear to Luther’s commentary

Series: Comments on Galatians
Scripture Text: Galatians 1:1-5 and Romans 1:16-17

Augustine said, "Seek not to understand that you may believe, but believe that you may understand.” The hard stuff is believed through God's grace.


The Obedience of Faith

Comments on Galatians with an ear to Luther’s commentary

Series: Comments on Galatians
Scripture Text: Galatians 1:1-5 and Romans 1:1-7

"The more a person seeks credit for himself by his own efforts, the deeper he goes into debt. Nothing can take away sin except the grace of God."


I’m Buying!

Comments on Galatians with an ear to Luther’s commentary

Series: Comments on Galatians
Scripture Text: Galatians 1:1-5 and Romans 3:23-25

We need the article of justification repeatedly preached to us because the infirmity of our flesh does not allow us to believe it with all our heart.


Glad Tidings

Reading the Word with Luther

Scripture Text: Matthew 11:1–5

Good news is received best by those poor folks who need glad tidings the most. "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."


Spiritual Day

Reading the Word with Luther

Scripture Text: Romans 13:11–14

The darkness of all that is not of the gospel is behind us. The spiritual, gospel day of Christ lies ahead.


The Peace of the Cross

Reading the Word with Luther

Scripture Text: Philippians 4:4–7

Even when you are not at peace with others—or even with yourself—the peace of God is yours. Be content in Christ through faith.


Prayer over Anxiety

Reading the Word with Luther

Scripture Text: Philippians 4:4–7

Many things happen throughout the day that should drive you to prayer. So, pray. Your prayers are pleasing to God.


The Outworking of Faith

Reading the Word with Luther

Scripture Text: James 2:14–18

The only thing God demands is that we exercise faith in him. Yet there is a second, similar command that we love our neighbors like we love God.


The Offense of Christ

Reading the Word with Luther

Scripture Text: Matthew 11:2–6

Christ is the only way to heaven, to eternal life with God. Blessed are you if this truth about Christ Jesus does not offend you.


In God’s Hands

Reading the Word with Luther

Scripture Text: Luke 21:29–33

The season of Advent has us reconsider how all things will change, and that we must trust God with everything we hold dear, even our souls.


The Seed of Faith

Reading the Word with Luther

Scripture Text: Genesis 22:15–18

The communion of saints, the Israel of God, all believe in Messiah, one, the Messiah who was to come and the other, the same Messiah who has come.


The Armor of Light

Reading the Word with Luther

Scripture Text: Romans 13:11–14

Awake from unbelief so that you may recognize the blessings of God, and become a blessing to your neighbor.


Thy Kingdom Come!

Reading the Word with Luther

Scripture Text: Romans 8:18–25

The advent of Christ is the redemption of all who believe. It is not for their destruction but for the destruction of their sin. Thy kingdom come!


A Word for Christians Only

Reading the Word with Luther

Scripture Text: Luke 21:25–28

This is a difficult word for the world, in its comfort and ease, to hear and believe, and as such, is meant for Christians alone to hear.


Take Note and Hold Fast

Reading the Word with Luther

Scripture Text: Luke 21:25–28

Many will doubt, but—though the heavens be shaken—let us hold fast to the gospel.



Reading the Word with Luther

Scripture Text: Luke 21:19–28

As all these signs appear, especially the sign of an agonized conscience, and then appear again and again, where can may you flee for help?


The Fullness of Grace

Reading the Word with Luther

Scripture Text: Galatians 4:1–7

The Father asks you to believe what seems empty of all human wisdom, so that you may have the fullness of his grace.


A Spiritual Kingdom

Reading the Word with Luther

Scripture Text: John 12:12–15

The Evangelist corrects the "blindness and false notions of those who seek bodily and temporal blessings in Christ and his gospel."


The Nature of Faith

Reading the Word with Luther

Scripture Text: Matthew 21:1–5

"The nature of faith is that it does not judge nor reason by what it sees, but by what it hears. It depends upon the Word alone..."


The Exact Opposite

Reading the Word with Luther

Scripture Text: Zechariah 9:9–11

You did not love God so much that he came into this world. He loved the world so much that he came to save you. You do not find God. He finds you.


The Christian Life

Reading the Word with Luther

Scripture Text: Matthew 7:7–12

Faith gives Christ to you; loves gives you to your neighbor; and hope keeps faith and love alive in the midst of suffering and trials.


The Intervening Force

Reading the Word with Luther

Scripture Text: Philippians 3:13–21

Our religious devotion and piety have nothing to do with it; it is the intervening power of Christ alone that will raise us to glory on that Day.


Rest Assured

Reading the Word with Luther

Scripture Text: 2 Thessalonians 1:5–12

Christians will suffer for the Faith, but they are promised eternal reward for their patient witness to Christ Jesus and his Word.


The Unexpected

Reading the Word with Luther

Scripture Text: Luke 21:25–28

There have been signs and will always be signs, and so, the return of the Christ will be unexpected. Your redemption is drawing nearer.


Spiritual Knowledge

Reading the Word with Luther

Scripture Text: Colossians 1:9–11

Spiritual knowledge is knowing the will of the Father is that everyone who sees his Son and believes in him will have eternal life.


Overcoming Unrest

Reading the Word with Luther

Scripture Text: John 21:20–25

Christians should be content with their own calling: mother or father, electrician or teacher, pastor or acolyte. Be content and follow Jesus.

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