Nothing Else will Do


Nothing Else will Do

Comments on Galatians with an ear to Luther’s commentary

Scripture Text: Galatians 3:7 and John 3:16–18

Series: Comments on Galatians

Today's Scripture Jigsaw

Even that precious verse — “For God so loved the world” — insists upon faith. It reads, “whoever believes,” then in the next verse, “he who believes,” and finally the dark opposite, “he who does not believe.” The condemnation is upon those who have “not believed in the name of the only Son of God.” But there is no condemnation for those who believe, who have faith in that same Son of God. For them, there is nothing but peace on earth and the coming joys of heaven. 

No one is excluded from these judgments. Israel will be judged as well America — and every other nation that has ever existed. Men will be judged as well as women. And all this judgment will be based upon their faith. Do they have faith in the idolatry of nationality, of race or ethnicity, of wealth and fame? Do they have faith in the idolatry of good deeds and religion? Or do they have faith in Jesus Christ, whom the Father sent to the world he loved? 

The loving Father sent his only Son, the Light of the World, into this dark world. He insists that we have faith in him. Nothing else will do. 

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