Stand Up for Jesus


Stand Up for Jesus

Comments on Galatians with an ear to Luther’s commentary

Scripture Text: Galatians 2:11 and 1 Corinthians 2:1-4

Series: Comments on Galatians

Today's Scripture Jigsaw

When the gospel lesson is read on Sunday mornings we stand out of reverence for our Lord. Do we stand for the gospel during the rest of the week? Perhaps we allow ourselves to be overrun by the everyday affairs of life so that we will not be aware of where we might take a stand for Christ. If we stay busy enough we may not feel the shame of not defending the faith. After all, there are really smart people out there and they speak better than we do.

It does not matter. Stand! Moses was the stuttering voice of God to Pharaoh. Paul himself said that his speech was weak and his wisdom wanting. Yet in both of their lives God’s message was demonstrated with Spirit power. His power was displayed through Moses because Moses obeyed and went to stand before Pharaoh. If he had not stood before Egypt’s ruler, what reason would God have had to act? God’s power was shown through Paul because, with trembling legs, he stood up to those who distorted the Gospel. If Paul had ignored the occasion, the Spirit would have had no occasion.

Perhaps the Spirit of God will move powerfully through you today. If so, he will not do so by suddenly making you wise or giving you lofty speech. The power of the Spirit will be manifested through you miraculously when you stand despite being afraid of having nothing to say. It may be that when all you have to say is that Christ was crucified for you that the Spirit of God will move most powerfully. The grace and power of God will work through you (2 Corinthians 12:9) as he did through Moses and Paul. But first you have to stand.

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